How Much Should Gym Owners Make? [FREE Training]

One of the most common concerns I hear from gym owners is this: 

They’re not really sure how they’re doing.

Or, to put a finer point on it…

“How much should a gym owner make?”

It’s only natural to want to know how you’re doing compared to other people. And too many gym owners are in a total vacuum.

After years of consulting and coaching gym owners all around the world, I’ve got a pretty good handle on what a financially healthy gym looks like.

There’s always going to be some variance based on a number of factors: different markets, different size businesses, different training models, etc.

But there ARE some standards.

That’s why I’ve put together this (free) training.

I cover all kinds of benchmarks that gym owners need to know. To help as many gym owners as possible attend, we’ll be holding the training twice. So you can pick from one of the following two options:

  • Friday October 13th @ 12pm est
  • Saturday October 14th @ 12pm est

I’ll share with you the exact numbers I use when analyzing a gym’s performance, as well as give you direction for how to fix underperforming numbers.

Attendees will also receive a dead simple plug-and-play spreadsheet to input their numbers and see how they fare, as well as a PDF with the slides for further review.

I’ll also have ample time for Q&A to answer any questions.

And it’s totally FREE.

All you need to do is sign up at the link below and choose which time works best.


Can’t wait!


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PS: Here are four ways to get more BFU in your life:

    • Learn more about our coaching group The Unicorn Society HERE.
    • Subscribe to our Business for Unicorns podcast  HERE. 
    • Subscribe to Mark’s YouTube channel HERE
    • Pick up a copy of my book HERE.

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