Invest in Your People, and They’ll Invest in You

You want to throw an employee for a loop? 

Invite her into your office and ask her what she hopes her next job will be outside of your operation, and then tell her you want to design the roadmap to take her there as soon as possible.

People are conditioned to think that having ambition beyond their existing role is a bad thing. It is assumed that employers will tamp down hopes and dreams so as to ensure they retain talent and protect the turf they’ve worked so hard to establish.

Well somewhere along the line I got sick of feeling a palpable tension every time I entered the room to execute an annual review with an employee. I resented the implication that I would take offense to a coach seeking the upward mobility I couldn’t offer in-house. 

So I stopped asking “how can I help you to become better at your job,” and started asking “how can I help you rapidly outgrow your role?”

It took me less than six months of maintaining this practice before I came to realize that the harder I worked to help my employees become talented and marketable for bigger and better roles outside of my organization, the more they felt inclined to stay. 

People often just want to work for and with a person they respect.


PS: Have you signed up for BFU’s Gym Lead Blueprint yet?

In this two-hour gym marketing masterclass, Fisher is teaching 5 ways to generate more leads this month…

All in less than 3 hours per week.

It’s happening Monday Sept 9th from 10a-12p est

Claim your spot HERE.