Episode 366

Gym Lead Blueprint Masterclass

In this episode, we talk about the Gym Lead Blueprint Masterclass.

[00:00:00] Well, gym owner, you are not getting enough leads. And what that means is each week you’re getting at best a trickle of a lead here, a lead there, maybe from a walk by it, maybe from a referral. And although you do pretty well, once the leads come in and practice, About every other week or two, you lose a member.

So even though your attention is good, it’s such a small membership base that it feels like you’re spinning your wheels and you’re not getting anywhere. And what that means is month over month, you’re not seeing the revenues grow, which means you’re not able to increase your income. And you know that you’re not quite making enough money. You need to be comfortable in spite of the fact that, you know you’re doing very good work and what that means is because you’re not making enough revenue, you’re not able to hire help. So you don’t have any freedom and you wind up having to work these really long days and you don’t have the mental bandwidth to think about what else you can do to work.

On the business, which everyone says you’re supposed to do, but you can’t figure out how to do it. And not only that, but you’re starting to get increasingly stressed and frustrated because you’re not spending enough time with your friends and your family and your loved ones. You’re feeling stressed every time you look at [00:01:00] your banking app, because you know the numbers aren’t going the right way.

And now here we are. A stones throw away from the fall, hoping one more time that this is going to be the season where we get traction. But if we don’t, what that means is now we’re going to be pushing back again, because we all know that November, December tough times to run a gym in most markets. And now you’re going to be waiting until the new year.

So rather than repeat the cycle, I have an awesome thing for you to consider signing up for, and that is Gym Lead Blueprint. I am super excited about this online training I’m doing on September 9th, because if you sign up, I’m going to give you an exact plan of exactly what’s working in 2024 for gyms across a lot of different markets.

So this is battle tested at Mark Fisher fitness at my gym in New Jersey. And at a lot of the gyms I’ve worked with in my most recent round of my 12 week marketing sprint to say nothing of the many, many members of the Unicorn Society. I decided to do this training because I recently released a super powered checklist of all the things you can do to grow a gym.

And maybe you have it. If not, you can click the link somewhere around this [00:02:00] video or podcast, and you can go to gymmarketingsecretsbook.com and get your free download. Now this book is awesome because it’s less than a 30 minute read and it’s literally everything you can do to grow your gym. However, what it’s not is a plan.

Now, real talk, the best kind of plan is when you create with a coach based on your particular gym, your skills, your capacity, your model, your market. But I wanted to put something together that outside of knowing any of those details in a vacuum are going to work for almost all gyms, almost all the time.

And unlike the book, which is a list of things you could do, get hyper prescriptive on here’s exactly what you should do. And importantly, what order I think you should attack them. Because if you take action on the things I’m going to show you, we can turn that slow trickle of leads into a dependable stream of people raising their hands on a regular basis.

interested in what you do that you don’t have to sell hard because they’re already bought in in what you have to offer. They value your services. And over time, this is going to lead to your gym growing and all sorts of good things. The bank app is not going to be scary anymore. [00:03:00] You’re going to be able to hire help.

You’re going to be seeing your personal income and the profitability of the gym increase. And most of all, you are going to be able to do the thing that you know, you’re great at and help more people. Now because we have two hours, the great news is we can dig into a number of important topics, some of which I haven’t really had a chance to go into great detail before, and I’ve never really done it in this kind of systematic, highly prescriptive manner.

So we talked about everything from websites and I can give you a very simple framework, which is a handful of things that you can use the checklist to make sure that your website is converting and doing the job for you. I’ll show you some specific examples of websites that do this really well. And I’ll even have some opportunities to do some live coaching for those who want to share your website and you’re attending live for this actual training.

I’m going to be able to tell you what you might want to change. We’ll also discuss the two kinds of offers that you can make at a gym, and I’ll help you understand which one you might choose, the pros and cons of each. We’ll be talking about one hidden source of leads that most people have, and very few gym owners are taking advantage of.

And then [00:04:00] importantly, I’ll show you a few different mediums, a few different channels you can use to start generating more leads this week. One of these is a strategy that maybe you have heard about for years. I certainly did. And I got to tell you, it’s become my new favorite play both at certainly the gym in New Jersey as well as a lot of people I work with.

And if I’m being honest, I had heard about this before, but it wasn’t until I got super granular and operationalized it with the script and some KPIs that we really started seeing some results with this particular strategy. I’ll also be talking about something that we’ve just started using in the past nine months across both my businesses and the unicorn society.

And this is something I haven’t really talked about publicly much at all. It’s as close to a new strategy as you can imagine. It’s certainly something that I hadn’t seen anybody doing more than 12 months ago, and it’s getting a Unbelievable results for a lot of our members. And I’m going to give you again, a very step by step play, how to do that.

And even some very specific scripts and verbiages for how to run this play. And my favorite part of the whole thing, which candidly, I think is going to be least interesting to [00:05:00] most of you, even though I think it’s the best part is I’m going to show you exactly how to set up. A perfect week of marketing for your gym in a way that is realistic because my promise is I’m going to show you five and actually there’s going to be more than that, but my promise is five ways to generate more leads for your gym in less than three hours per week.

So I’m going to show you what the perfect week of gym marketing looks like if you only have three hours and I’ll also show you what that might look like if you have more time. I am super excited to share this with you. And not only are we making this super affordable to sign up, but if you sign up and choose to attend and something comes up, I realized there’s no perfect time for everybody.

We work with gym owners literally all over the world. So you will get lifetime access to their courting, but you have to sign up right now. So there is a somewhere, I’m sure a link around wherever you’re listening to this, whether it be a podcast or on a video, let’s get you booked now. So we can make this fall the best fall in the history of your gym.

Build the skills we need for you to actually grow your business and you could build a gym and a [00:06:00] life you love. I’m super looking forward to seeing you there. Go ahead, click that link. Let’s get you signed up today and I’ll see you soon to teach you five ways to generate more leads for your gym in less than three hours per week.

Gym Report Card

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