Aspire to Be the Worst

There’s a common misconception among business owners that their job as employers is to set an example by being the best technician on the team. In their minds, nobody can handle the nitty gritty aspects of delivering the service like they can, so they get lost in the mechanics of what should be an average employee’s role.

The reality is that the trainer on the gym floor, the server delivering meals in the restaurant, and the mechanic underneath the car all possess skills that are readily available to just about anyone with the time to be an apprentice. These are indefensible skills in your market.

If you want to operate a business that thrives in a competitive landscape, you should prioritize having exceptional technicians, but make sure that you don’t need to be one of them. 

Stop concerning yourself with being seen as “the best coach on staff” and start focusing on building employees who are better than you. Your operation will never scale if you waste energy self-identifying as something other than a better-than-average leader of people. 

Leadership skills, the ability to drive quality culture, and self-awareness should be your differentiators as you work to become a sought-after employer.


PS: Interested in joining Fisher, Keeler, Ben, and me in Boston in September?

We’ll be getting together in-person on September 14th and 15th with some great gym owners for a weekend of learning and connecting.
Comment with “BOSTON” and I’ll send you details.