BFU at Perform Better

Today’s the day that Pete, Ben, and yours truly head to Warwick, RI.

That’s because we’re spending two days with some awesome gym owners where we’re debuting our (sold out!) Gym Owner Masterclass.

And we are PUMPED!

Since we’re in prep mode, I’ll keep this quick…

While it’s too late to jump in on the sold out PB event, you can still join our first-ever round of BFU’s Gym Growth Blast-Off.

I’ll be personally working with a handful of gym owners over 12 weeks to add $3-5k/mo to your monthly revenue.

And to do it without paid ads or confusing tech.

We get started on Monday May 13th.

If you want to hear more, just comment with the word “GROWTH” and I’ll get you details.



MF Signature BFU 3

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