But Do You REALLY Want [X]?

Question for you:

Is there a goal you SAY you want…

But for which you’re NOT taking action?

For instance, I kinda want to play guitar. I mean, it’d be fun!

But if I’m being honest, I don’t REALLY want to play guitar. 

You know how I know? Cuz I don’t take lessons. Or practice. (Or own a guitar.)

And I’m wondering if this may be applicable to your gym?

If so, we may have a great tool to reverse engineer improved results.

Cuz sometimes just tracking the time spent on our behaviors can improve outcomes. Even if your strategy is lacking.

For example, I recently started working with an awesome gym owner named Rich. Rich wasn’t getting the marketing results he wanted.

Before we started a dedicated sprint together, he’d been averaging two trials per month. Which, to state the obvious, ain’t gonna cut it if you want to grow your gym.

Then we started a little experiment. 

We identified a few key marketing strategies to get things moving in his business. And sure, some of them ARE good strategies. But here’s the thing…

The biggest change was daily tracking of:

  • Total time spent on marketing activities
  • Tracking the behaviors that generate and nurture leads

Over the last six weeks of the year, during the holidays, mind you…

Rich sold 23 low barrier offers WITHOUT any paid ads.

That’s nearly 8x his run rate before our sprint.

So here’s the question:

If you REALLY want a specific goal, are you hyper-focused on the behaviors that will create said goal?

Because if you’re looking to get better results somewhere in your gym, sometimes the biggest missing ingredient is simply putting in the reps.

What gets measured gets managed,


MF Signature BFU 2

PS: Want better marketing results for your gym?

Our next Unicorn Society retreat in Austin on March 2nd-3rd is focused on marketing.

As of this email, we have 1 spot left for one more gym owner to join us.

You’ll be learning from and hanging out with Keeler, Pete, Ben, yours truly, and special guest Jordan Syatt.


Comment “Austin” and we’ll get you deets.