How Many Services Should Your Gym Offer?

This is an important question. 

Cuz if you screw this up, you leave money on the table OR you bury your business and team in complexity/frustration/sadness. Or both!

As usual, allow my missteps to save you time and money.

Click the link below to learn more.


Too hot, too cold, just right,

MF Signature BFU 2

PS: Here are four ways to get more BFU in your life:

  • Learn more about our coaching group The Unicorn Society HERE.
  • Subscribe to our Business for Unicorns podcast  HERE. 
  • Subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE
  • Pick up a copy of my book HERE.

PPS Speaking of “more BFU,” have you checked out my YouTube channel lately?

To see my latest video, click the thumbnail below.

The 4 Gym Expansion MISTAKES