Less, Not More

This world of abundance we’ve created for ourselves has a tendency of taking away just as much as it gives. While we’re efficient at creating nearly everything at scale, it doesn’t mean we need more of it all. 

I’m routinely reminded in just about every facet of my life that less is, in fact, more. 

I need less service offerings and related price points to throw at my confused clients, not more. They’re already overwhelmed by too many choices in just about every other business they engage with. I can be the simple decision in their days if I learn to embrace the power of less.

I need less words jumbling up my presentation slides when my objective is to capture the attention of an audience, not more. Who am I to lament having distracted listeners if I am constantly asking them to read exactly what I’m already planning on saying anyway?

I need to chime-in less the next time I find myself grinding through tension-filled moments of silence during a difficult negotiation, not more. How am I supposed to gather the information necessary to firm up my position in a negotiation if I’m the one who can’t seem to stop talking?

The urge to do more, deliver more, consume more, and fight for more doesn’t ever seem to subside. We need to commit to less, focus on doing less, and embrace less.

Because much of the time, more is just…more. 


PS: Want to grow your gym BIG by April 1st while working less?

Join Mark for a free training on Dec 16th or Dec 18th to get an exact step-by-step plan. 

He’ll show you how to WIN in 2024 and burst into the New Year like a total boss.

Reserve your spot HERE.