Prepare to Be Misunderstood

I’ve never shared a blog without second-guessing myself as my finger hovered above the publish button. Imposter syndrome is real my friends.

As you might imagine, preparing and distributing this batch of steady content has come with more than a few moments of hesitation. Every once in a while I put out something that I am 100% certain is “good,” and I still have it in my mind that somebody is going to misinterpret or judge the material. 

This is why I have a post-it note hanging on my office computer monitor that reads as follows:

Don’t open a business if you’re not prepared to be misunderstood. 

Don’t deliver a lecture if you’re not prepared to be misunderstood.

Don’t publish on social media if you’re not prepared to be misunderstood.

Constructive feedback and respectful disagreement can be productive.

With this in mind, welcome to my feed of small business ownership information. I am prepared for the possibility that you will misunderstand my intent. 


PS: We’re doing our next Unicorn Society retreat in Austin on March 2nd-3rd.

It’s going to be focused on marketing and we’ll be offering a small handful of seats for guests.

You’ll be learning from and hanging out with Keeler, Mark, Ben, yours truly, and special guest Jordan Syatt.


Email “Austin” and we’ll get you deets.