Specificity in Referral Requests

Every small service business on the planet seems to have a referral system in place, but few of them request specific action on the part of the client. Reminding clients that you offer referral bonuses doesn’t exactly qualify as a consistently compelling call to action. 

You need to make your intentions as clear as possible the next time you make an ask.

How specific, you ask?

I want you to draw up a basic gift certificate. I’m talking as basic as a hand-written sheet of paper if you’re feeling especially informal. Make sure that it reads as follows:

This certificate entitles ________ to a complimentary _________.

Now take your certificate into the gym, approach a loyal client, and execute some version of this request:

Hey, Mary! 

Do me a quick favor and close your eyes.

I want you to imagine a teammate who would thrive in this training environment as much as you have over the past few months. Got her in mind?

Cool. What’s her name?

Write that name on your newly drafted gift certificate and hand it to the client. 

One of two things are going to happen…

She’s either going to “forget” to deliver this certificate to the person in question (no big deal), or she’s going to make it happen. If it ends up being the latter, you’re going to have the opportunity to help her friend fall in love with the service you believe in.

What have you got to lose?


PS: Interested in a personalized 3-step plan to grow your gym?

We’d love to offer you a complementary 10-minute brainstorm.

If you’re a gym owner with 30 or more clients, you might be just a few strategies away from growing your monthly revenue by $5k-$10k or more. 

We can help.

Book your call HERE.