Teachable Sells

“Build it like you intend to sell it” is the vague and often intangible advice tossed in the direction of a new business owner. How is one supposed to conceptualize this approach when they aren’t even certain about where they want to go with the business? What if you’ve got to battle your way through the period of business immaturity where you find your true place in the competitive landscape? 

We used the first 100 days of our business to position ourselves as generalists while we actively looked for signals relating to our optimal path toward a specialty. We needed the market to nudge us in the direction of what we would optimally be known for. Building like we intended to sell at a stage when we hadn’t figured out who we were didn’t make a whole lot of sense.

If you want to simplify the “build it like you intend to sell it” concept while accomplishing roughly the same thing, consider going with: 

“Build it like you intend to teach it.”

Teachable systems sell. Teachable systems scale. And teachable systems take much of the stress out of onboarding new employees.


PS: We’re doing our next Unicorn Society retreat in Austin on March 2nd-3rd.

It’s going to be focused on marketing and we’ll be offering a small handful of seats for guests.

You’ll be learning from and hanging out with Keeler, Mark, Ben, yours truly, and special guest Jordan Syatt.


Comment “Austin” and we’ll get you deets.