The Stages of Hunting

If you don’t feel like you’re running a completely different business every second or third year you’ve likely stopped growing.

I spent nearly every minute of our first two years of business hunting for clients. Years three through five were dedicated to the hunt for competent employees. And the decade that followed that was filled with a never-ending hunt for leadership skills and business mentorship..

As your business outgrows its footprint, you should be outgrowing your to-do list. Acquire a skill, pass it on to a competent team member, and look for the next challenge. You can’t expect to progress if your responsibilities aren’t evolving periodically.


PS: Two more days to get BFU’s Time Management for Gym Owners course before the price doubles.

This just-released course will help you:

  • Overcome your overwhelm
  • Get more stuff done with less stress
  • End each day knowing you ACTUALlY moved your gym forward

… all while working a shorter workweek, even if you’re not naturally organized. 

Claim lifetime access HERE.