False Influence

Sometimes, when faced with an important decision that impacts my entire team, I come to a conclusion on the direction I intend to go with it. That is, after all, my right as a business owner — to make difficult decisions on behalf of the staff.

In the past, when operating as an especially poor leader, I orchestrated the theatrics of bringing the entire staff into such a meeting to “decide on a course of action” when I had already made up my mind. I’d convinced myself that good leadership is making the entire team feel heard, even if I had no intention of moving in their desired direction.

I’ve since concluded that manufacturing an illusion of influence is more offensive to the team than simply saying: “Sorry, this one isn’t your call.”

No employee steps into the role thinking that the boss will never make a unilateral decision.


PS: Here are four ways to get more BFU in your life:

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