[00:00:00] Hello, my friend on today’s episode, I’m speaking with Mr. Fisher and we’re answering one of your requested questions. You want us to talk a little bit more about next level 2. 0 pro tips for email marketing. So we do, we walk you through just a snippet of some of our email marketing playbooks from inside Unicorn Society and gives you some really great best practices for taking your email marketing to the next level.
So if you want to improve your email marketing and its performance, this is a great episode for you. Keep on listening.
Welcome to the business for unicorns podcast, where we help gym owners unleash the full potential of their business. I’m your host, Michael Keeler. Join me each week for actionable advice, expert insights, and the inside scoop on what it really takes to level up your gym, get ready to unlock your potential.
And become a real unicorn in the fitness industry. [00:01:00] Let’s begin.
What’s up, fitness business nerds. Welcome to another episode of the Business Unicorns podcast. Today I’m here with Mr. Fisher. Hello, sir. Hello. You. You did it. That people, we did it. People that weren’t here with us. ’cause you weren’t, this was, we’ve. Tried several times to get this intro out. We have the first time in a couple hundred episodes where I had to restart my intro because I was distracted by what was going on outside my window, but we made it through.
And I’m excited to chat with you today for sure. Cause we’re going to be talking about pro tips for email marketing, which was a requested topic by some of our dear listeners. But before we do dive in, I just want to make a quick little shout out to all of you who have heard, if you listen to the podcast, you know that we are right now in enrollment process for our unicorn society.
Business coaching group. And if you’re a gym owner who listens to the podcast for any length of time, and you’ve thought about working with us, now is the time if you’re listening to this podcast, when it comes out, you have until November 19th to apply for our unicorn sighted group and app applying just means you’re [00:02:00] going to give us some information.
We’re going to hop on a call and see if we’re the right fit. It’s going to be a very casual first date to see if we think we can help you and to see if you think. That we can help you. And and so go click the link in the show notes and do it before November 19th, while we still have spots available.
Anything you want to add to that Fisher? No. Join us. Awesome. We had a listener who reached out. I think this question came from Instagram and they said they loved our past episode where we talked about email marketing and they wanted more. They wanted more in our last episode. For those of you who didn’t listen to it, go back and find it.
We’ll maybe include a link down the show notes to which episode that was really talked about the basics of email marketing last time. The fact that you have to have a list on some platform where you can segment that list and ideally talk to each segment separately as much as possible. We went into some other details, but we talked about the basics and today they wanted us to really circle back and share any next level tips we have.
And coincidentally, Fisher, you’ve been reading a lot on marketing recently. So it’s perfect timing. [00:03:00] Where do you want to start? Oh boy, I haven’t deep dived. I guess the first place I’ll start with is the good news. Bad news is I might, if you miss the other one, I’m probably gonna repeat because I don’t remember what I said in the last ones, but as it happens, yeah, I’m happy to offer a bunch of rapid fire email marketing thoughts.
I do want to zoom out. For a second, however, before we dig on into this, because I know I’m just being absolutely broken record about this these days, but the goal of course, is not to do email marketing. The goal is to do the right next thing for you. So when we work with people in the unicorn society, we take them through something called the gym business freedom formula.
And part of that is assessing where you need help because some things should be done before other things. We’re asking a question of Gary Keller’s, the one. I think the one thing it’s called that book they wrote, which is like so simple, but so good, which is basically what is the one thing that by doing it will make everything else easier or unnecessary.
So I want to acknowledge email marketing. [00:04:00] I do think is pretty important. We, the way we organize it is what a level two strategy, which is to say, there’s some things that need to be done before you’re really digging into email marketing. There’s some tools we really want in place, but it’s also something you’re going to do before you get into some more advanced and complicated strategies.
Do make sure that this is the right thing for you. And then yes, at some point you’re going to want to be doing email marketing as a gym owner. So I’ll pull up there. And then I’ll also mention that if you’re in the unicorn society, we have a couple of different modules on this will really tell you step by step, do this in this order.
It will take you this long, put in your account or get it done. And since we’re not going through the whole playbook today, I’m going to give you some very tactical things you can apply immediately to get some better results with your email marketing. Yeah, for sure. I was just gonna say, if we wanted to give them a little bit of context for some of the kinds of things you should be doing before you really worry a ton about email marketing, I think it’s some basics, like you should have a good website.
It makes it very clear who you serve, how you serve them, how to get started. You should have a [00:05:00] presence on some social media platforms. You’d have some landing pages that help you sell. Your low barrier offer should have a low barrier offer, right? There’s some basics. There’s a, that’s what we’re talking about when we’re talking about the basics, a clear avatar, a website that speaks to them, a low barrier offer in place, some process to follow up with those leads, a sales playbook.
Those are the kind of the level one marketing stuff that you really want to get all those ducks in a row before you focus on email. But then when you do, you want to maybe talk a little bit about the basics before you get into the advanced stuff. Yeah, for sure. I think the basic thing is, you mentioned it before, is you’re going to want to have an organized database.
Assuming you’ve organized your contacts. If not, the way that I always think about this is anybody that has ever contacted you about fitness and or anybody that could either be a client or a referral source for you or you just really want them to keep up with your business. You should be on this list, right?
A lot of people are just not generous enough, they don’t cast a wide enough net. The way I think about it is anybody who would say hello to a grocery [00:06:00] store should be on your list. If the person actually has a relationship with you, I do think there’s something to be said for warming up the list, which I won’t go into great detail, but again, we’ve got very specific, done for you, word for word templates to copy paste, to let people know what’s coming, here’s what to expect, and yada yada.
So assuming that’s all in place, then we need to start talking about, okay, what is a pulse that works on in general, I think realistic for most people is at least once per week, you have to email something you can probably get away from doing, you can get away with doing probably up to two or even three as a gym.
There are some gyms that do every single day. That’s a little bit hardcore internet marketing. I actually don’t know that I always love that for a brick and mortar business because at a certain point you do have to balance quantity with quality. And if you’re doing that amount of input, unless you have a real passion for this and a lot to say, I think at a certain point it’s, you’re probably not really adding value.
And when we’re sending out these communications, of course, listen, on the one hand, part of it is just having an excuse to show up in their inbox so they remember you [00:07:00] exist. And so you can give them some soft sell, some clear call to action of, and using the PS, if you’re interested in learning more, this is the next step to take, do this thing, right?
A very clear call to action. So to some extent, I think either side of this can get a little bit squirrely. I would note that in my experience, The bigger issue I see for a lot of training gym owners is probably too much perfectionism, right? I’m not shipping anything because what if it’s not good, what if they’re not going to like me, they’re going to be mad at me if I email them, right?
So that, that’s not great. And on the other hand, I, again, I haven’t seen as often, but if you’re just like spraying your audience with just really crappy Content, then you’re going to get a lot of unsubscribes. Your open rates are going to crater and it’ll be a bad news. So before I get into the hyper tabulous stuff, I’ll pull up there, but I think those are probably some of the basics for you to understand.
Yeah, I think you’re right, Fisher. I think we’ll place where I see a lot of people make that mistake is that they don’t do enough value building. They send emails, but it’s to their whole list. So it’s everyone on this list. It’s current members. It’s past members, people that never bought anything. It’s[00:08:00] and they’re only selling.
They only either sell just are putting out just things they want people to buy and they’re not building value. They’re not informing. They’re not adding content any content. It’s just buy things or I see them do the exact opposite on the other end of the spectrum Which is they’re never selling. They’re only putting out oh, we have a happy hour this Friday And this is our new programming for the week, and it’s just only talking to existing members And I think both ends of that spectrum kind of suck always selling and never selling is not it.
Fisher’s point here is so important is it’s the right pulse of the combination of those two that gets people engaged enough that they want to open your email so that when you do wind up selling, they already know and and trust you and they’re ready to take that move. Yeah. So once they got that foundation vision, they found the right pulse, the right combination of giving and taking, what are some of the more advanced things that they should think about?
Yeah. Yeah, so I think one thing that’s important to really understand is the subject line [00:09:00] and I want to give a lot of Actuation right now. I’m finally reading Dean Jackson’s book. Who’s a very famous I wouldn’t say old school. Maybe not the right term, but a legend we can say Dean Jackson is definitely a legend I gotta say I’m finally getting around to reading his book and I was like, this is a Damn, good book.
And one of the things he says about the subject line is the subject line is a magic spell. And the only point of the subject line is to open the email. So if you’re, if you had a magic wand, the spell you’re casting is open me. So when you’re crafting a subject line, you need to think through, how do I get this open?
Now again, We are not hardcore internet marketers, right? This isn’t a thing like every day I get up and I think of 20 different possible subject lines for my email. Like you’re not doing dominant email marketing. You don’t have that scale of a business, but you want to put some thought into what creates curiosity.
I think the thing that is useful for you to do is pay attention to yourself. What are the emails that create? Curiosity for you. It’s also probably worth saying that the subject line should be congruent with the actual body. It’s not a nice trick to find some [00:10:00] way to I lit my mom on fire. Just kidding.
You can go, I think, too far with this and actually, hurt your relationship by clearly being manipulative with the subject line. But some things to play with are we’re getting hyper tactile today. For instance, you want to also think about email as like a letter and not so much an e blast from a business.
When you’re doing a subject line, things that you can play with are, rather than having it capital tense or re titled. Case I think that is where everything’s capital letters make like a sentence, right? So it’s usually just capitalize the first letter of the sentence It’s a very small and subtle thing but says i’m a person writing you a letter not a business doing a business communication Related to that you can also play with things Like not capitalizing.
The first letter can be good for open rates putting things inside Brackets can also make it jump out when people are scrolling through things. People do like numbers, right? We’re not quite in the land of BuzzFeed, but people like lists. So three things, five things, because again, you’re creating an [00:11:00] open loop.
It’s creating some curiosity and then depending on how sophisticated your email service providers, some can do this and some can’t, but if you can periodically and then use this superpower gracefully and conservatively, but you can put a contact name in the subject line, either just the subject line.
Which by the way, you’re going to get a big old open rate if you do that. So only use that when you’re really ready to use that particular play. You can put it in as part of a subject line and integrate it. Sometimes I’ve done things where I’ll put ellipses. I don’t know the names of things today, but what’s the three period ellipses?
It’s ellipses. Yeah. I don’t know the names of anything. So that’s something you can play with sometimes. And admittedly, what’s interesting is I use a number of different software platforms for the three different businesses that I oversee marketing for. And. I gotta say Keep or formerly Infusionsoft, which I basically never recommend because it’s like way too complicated.
I gotta say the amazing thing about it is Keep not only gives you a lot of awesome functionality that some of the more user friendly ones [00:12:00] don’t, but they have a really great spam filter. If you do something like, oh, this is a great idea, they’ll be like, ah, that’s, you look spammy. Don’t do that.
They’ll literally stop you from going out, which is very valuable. The other software platforms won’t do that. So you won’t really know because there are some things that seem like a good idea, but can maybe hurt deliverability. So here’s another, this is one ready. We’re getting so granular today.
Something that can work for, or potentially against you, depending on deliverability, and we’re testing this right now to see if it’s going to be an issue is adding some more white space between the bottom of the email. And the unsubscribe button, right? Just make it a little bit hard for people to get the unsubscribe.
It also makes the email read a little bit more like a personal email, which is very important if you are going for a more personal vibe, because of course, normally email you send your friend doesn’t have an unsubscribe button. I think. Another thing to consider is fonts, and there’s kind of two ways to go with this.
Ferns, if you’re listening to this, I hope you’re on our email list. If not, what’s wrong with you? Go to our homepage right now. You’re missing awesome stuff. I [00:13:00] love our font there. I think it’s very readable, but it’s clearly like email marketing, right? MFF, we use more ariel because I often want the email to feel closer to Gmail, and a lot of fonts in the email service providers make it very obvious that this is marketing.
Back to the subject line, I think a couple other things I’ll put on your radar is another pro move is resending an email to the people that did not open it. So if there’s an email communication, and this can sometimes, by the way, can be an operational move. If you’re doing a pricing increase and you want, you really want to make sure people get it, you can send the same email later.
And this again gets in a borderline land. So depending on your email service provider, this I think might be bad advice, but we’ll often send an email with. R E colon name of the subject line or forward colon name of the subject line. Sometimes I’ll even just put I C M Y I in case you missed it, colon subject line.
And then I will write a little blurb at the top, a very [00:14:00] short blurb, that Makes it look almost as if I’m forwarding this person this email personally and following up to see if they got it, right? And again, there’s a little bit of gray area in here I’ll tell you sometimes the thing that I see that just I find just grotesque because it’s so I don’t mind the strategy I just laid out because it’s email marking clearly.
It’s email marking, right? I’m not trying to pretend like it’s a personalized thing. Will it read that way to some people? Sure might some people get confused Yeah, maybe but I’m not lying. I think that’s always my Live in parking is don’t lie. So sometimes I’ve been sent ones from like the hardcore internet like marketing companies where they’ll actually put in a forwarded message to make it look like the owner of the company personally wrote, Hey, check out Mark’s business.
Look, he’s up to great work. I’d love for you to set up a call to find out more. I’m really impressed with what he’s doing and then you can see that and it’s forwarded. But the whole thing is copy paste. It’s just like they just Check out so and so’s name of their website. [00:15:00] And the whole thing to me just, that feels just like gross.
So I guess it works, but I just don’t think the ends justify the means of the person. I think you might have a different perspective, but I have a real important value that how you do anything is how you do everything. So for me, that’s a line that feels sketchy. But at any rate, I’ll pull up there, but those are just, I think, some thoughts for how to really leverage a subject line to make sure the email gets open.
In summation, the key thing is, remember, it’s a magic spell. And the only thing the subject line is supposed to do is create curiosity, just get the email opened. Yeah. I think that’s a, it’s a great overview, Fisher. I think it’s both some big picture takeaways in terms of a function of the subject line and also a lot of like really great granular tips that I hope our listeners are taking notes on.
Cause I think that if they don’t open it, nothing else matters. If they don’t open, it doesn’t matter how good your content is, how good your offer is. They have to open it, which means you have to break through the noise of people’s inboxes, which are, for the most part, are atrocious. Yeah. Inboxes are hard.
And people have many of them. And if you’re sending to their work email address, you’re going to get deprioritized. It’s complicated. But [00:16:00] I think subject lines are important for that reason, because if they, if you don’t inspire them to open it. It doesn’t matter. Let’s talk a little bit about the content parks.
I feel like the place where I see people struggle the most is generating ideas for what to say, like what the content is. We see it with unicorn signing members all the time. They have really great platforms, really great segmented lists that might be thinking about subjects and trying to get people to open them.
But then they struggle with consistently week after week, month after month, year after year. Yeah. Figuring out what to talk about and then building a system for themselves where they actually create the content to do it. And I know this has been a big part of your life for literally years now. And so you just talk about like the rhythm that you found that works for you.
Yeah, so I have lists at all times. I keep and curate a Google Doc for, very specifically for Mark Fisher Fitness emails, for Business for Unicorns emails, and for my YouTube channel of content. And to be honest, I [00:17:00] probably shouldn’t and don’t need a separate one for Business for Unicorns. And YouTube.
I would note very briefly, if any of you are creating content for multiple platforms, one thing that I do not think is correct is to feel like it all needs to be different. It doesn’t. It shouldn’t be different because in practice, no one’s paying attention to most of your stuff. And furthermore, some people will only consume in one channel.
So don’t, not only don’t feel like you need to make different. Don’t really need different topics, you actually can do the same topics, just do them in the different platforms. That’s sufficiently different. So I have these content lists I’m always curating and I think you should have one of those too.
And the way that I do it is, and we, in fact, we’re inciting members, I’m going to show them here’s like literally my Google doc. Here’s what this looks like because I just have a Google doc because I importantly in my business and I would suggest actually you consider this too if you have any legs in your business.
I don’t build it in the email service providers. I have someone on my team that does that. Most of you could likely outsource that with a VA. We actually use somebody that is like a VA, but someone we pay like pretty [00:18:00] good rate because he’s unbelievable. And his name is Craig. And he’s one of my best friends since college and he still works for us.
And he’s just an absolute eagle eye for proofreading and copy editing. And no, you can’t have him. He’s ours. He’s amazing. So Craig takes these Google docs, right? Just right in there and he puts it in. So I know that’s a little bit, tangential to the first question, which I’m going to circle back to in a minute.
But I think there’s something to be said for having somebody else copy edit, if at all possible. And at the very least, upload it in the email service provider to pull this if and when it’s needed. So you can just focus on, you make the magic, you do the thing. Now, as far as back to this curation idea, right?
So the top of each of these docs, which I’m always working at adding more content to stay ahead of the content snowball, it’s always coming to chase me down the hill. I have this never ending list, and as I write pieces on things, then content goes off of that list, and then I’m adding things on there.
And I get a lot of my ideas, one, from doing continuing education for all the businesses. I’m always like thinking of new things that like, oh yeah, that’s interesting. thing to share or a way to think about that, or it sparks [00:19:00] an idea for a piece of content. And then of course, working with your clients. And I think the best place to start to think about the content you’ll create is think about the most common problems your avatar faces, and the most common question your avatar is asking, right?
So start with a problem, start with a question, and then use that and then build a solution. around that. Now, some other ways to get to fill up your tank if you don’t have that. First of all, you show me somebody that doesn’t have things to say about their content. I usually show you somebody who’s not actively engaged in their learning and I don’t mean that to be judgmental.
I realize sometimes in life you have a season where that’s hard to do, but in practice I do think that’s going to help. If you find your well is dry, you can also ask your clients either in a private Facebook group or you can even ask, I do this periodically with the email list, which you might see I’ll periodically be like, what do you want me to cover?
I’ll actually just ask the email list or I’ll post a thread in a private Facebook group and ask for content ideas. And that’s another way that I get ideas for content. The final way I’ll tell you. [00:20:00] is actually leveraging chat GPT. Now, to be honest, I haven’t had to do this too much myself, but chat GPT is both simultaneously.
My take is the absolute most unbelievably overrated and the absolutely unbelievably underrated piece of software in the history of the world. I think both are true. Chat GPT is not gonna be able to write the content for you on a first draft, but it can do things like brainstorm, like brainstorming, tell them about your avatar, tell them about your business and ask them to come up with.
25 or 50 topics for articles to write or the names of articles and that can be a great way. So chat GPT is great at brainstorming. I’ll also say briefly while we’re chat GPT ing, it can also write a pretty good first draft sometimes. The metaphor that I’ve heard that I think is feels very true is it’s like a pretty good intern.
So I treat chat, chat GPT like a pretty good intern. Often when I’m writing, I’ll give chat GPT a task and I’ll have it write a piece of content while I write content. And then I go back [00:21:00] and I see what it did. And I’d say about a third of the time it’s completely, absolute garbage, worthless. Third of the time it’s…
usable, but whoa, boy, requires a lot of work, maybe less than me writing from scratch, but like it takes some time. And then about a third of the time, it’s not too far off. It doesn’t require that much for me to both look for factual errors as well as zhuzh it up and make it in my voice. So I think chat GBT can help with this, but I guess I’ll pull up there, but those are some of the, I think the ways you should think about topics and ways you, and I think hopefully some.
Practical strategy to make sure that you always have this never ending list of things. So you always have things to write about. Yeah, I think that’s super useful for our listeners, Fisher, because I think for a lot of them, they’re just not doing that first step. They don’t have a document or a repository where they put ideas as they come up.
So they try and keep them in their head. If they’re even trying to think about it at all, but having a place, a little simple Google documents, just jot down, Oh, here’s an idea. [00:22:00] Here’s a question. A client asked me, here’s a question, a team member asked me, here’s a, something I read about or I saw on social media and listen, anything can be inspiration.
If you found it informative or inspirational or motivational or interesting. It’s a piece of, it’s a piece of content and so it’s jotting it down somewhere. So you have this ongoing list, I think is the takeaway. Most that will be a game changer for most of you. And I agree. I think for a lot of our listeners, especially for those of you who don’t think of yourselves as good writers, you don’t have maybe a lot of experience or reps in with writing.
I think a tool like chat GPT can probably give you a pretty great first draft in terms of. Yeah. Flashing out the idea. And the most important thing that you all will have to do with any robot that’s writing for you, like Mark said, is put it in your voice. Like they can brainstorm the ideas and make the lists and give you a structure.
That’s probably going to be pretty decent, especially if you give it a few prompts to help style it in the style of someone that you’re. You admire or the style of talk or letter that you want to write, but you’ll always have to do that extra [00:23:00] work. But I think your game changing tip here is really just having that repository you can turn to.
So you don’t have to think about what content to do when you’re making the content. Yeah. It allows you to get ahead. That’s where people run issues. Yeah. Yeah. Because I’m under pressure to get it out tomorrow. And I know. I know. You all need to take time. Sign up for Unicorn Sign. Take time, Ninja people.
Admittedly, again, I am like so wired the other way. I’m like really trying to get months ahead. And then sometimes that’s annoying too, because that’s not realistic for businesses like ours. And then things change. They’re like annoying. Because now 20 minutes moving everything around. But, and I think that’s maybe like a, another good consideration is ideally you want to be far ahead too, because ideally there’s some intersection with this in a marketing calendar.
Now, again. Marketing calendar for us, I’m not gonna have you do that first thing. Okay. If you’re pleading out, I’m gonna make you money first thing. That’s the first thing I’m gonna care about. I was like, what do we do? Let’s get some wins. Let’s do, We have a number of fast acting plays I’ll probably start with first.
And then from there, and in fact, I, sometimes there’s even a world where we’ll [00:24:00] leverage an email marketing thing, but For the website and the thing is good to go. As long as we know what we’re selling, the reality is sometimes depending on where you’re at. And to be honest, it doesn’t happen as often for unicorn sided people, because by definition, because of our criteria, usually there’s a little bit more sophistication going on.
But usually someone is not bleeding out in the event that I’m trying to help somebody that is, In a tough situation. Sometimes I will say this, there’s a world where you, if you hadn’t been emailing your list, it’s not the best thing. It’s not the nicest thing, but there are ways of really leveraging powerful offers and even leveraging the structure and the style of that email to really get some movement and get some leads moving quickly, because another thing that is worth knowing is.
There are almost two types of email broadcasts, right? You have like broadcast email, which are very clearly one to many, and you put the contact name in, but they know you’re writing to everyone, right? And this is, when you think of the more traditional value building content, these are things, this is content that is.
Ideally entertaining, it’s enjoyable, it’s educational. A lot [00:25:00] of our content is going to be educational or it’s inspiring because it’s energizing, it gives you motivation, it gives you inspiration, it gives you energy, you feel like I can do it right and depending on who you are and your brand and really just what your skill sets are depends.
I think that’s going to. That’s gonna have an impact on what type of content you do and how much but aside from the more broadcast one to many stuff They’re just giving value always with the PS that clarifies what the next move it is you’re ready to work with us more closely The other thing the other approach which again giving attribution is a Dean Jackson approach is what he sometimes calls the nine word email He’s pretty intense that it has to be nine words.
I’m a little less sold. That’s Actually, that true, but I think there’s something to be said for having a short email. The point of the email is to get a response, right? I think that’s another thing important to understand. All emails have to have a goal. What do you want to have happen? You want to, and it wants to be an action.
Sometimes it might just be read the thing, take action to, and maybe that’s your goal, but usually [00:26:00] PS because on the back end of reading the thing today might be the day that they were suddenly. They had a weird talk with their doctor. So that’s part of the game is you’re creating what’s called top of mind awareness.
You want to just keep being in their email inbox so they don’t forget about you. And optimally you want to be an invited and welcomed guests because you’re bringing cookies. You’re bringing warm cookies. You’re bringing value. You can periodically play with this again with Dean Jasko is a nine word email where there’s really nothing in it.
And it’s just usually like name. Are you, and the classic way it’s formulated is, are you still interested in working on your fitness in 2023 or whatever? Again, I sometimes feel a little bit weird, but are you still interested? I think that can work if it’s an outreach to cold leads of expressed interest.
I always, again, for me, that feels like a little smarmy if it’s people that have never actually expressed interest. Because again, you’re implying that maybe they’re not doing it. Whereas if somebody has expressed interest and gone AWOL, I think it’s a little more appropriate because you are asking sincerely, hey, you were at one point, that’s implied, you had reached out, are you still interested in discussing whatever?
And the [00:27:00] goal of that email, it’s important to note, is to get a response, to start a conversation, right? So something that I’ve been spending a lot of time lately, that we’re in the process of rolling out in Mark Fisher Fitness, is sell by chat, right? How do you create a… Essentially, like a, I don’t want to call it like a sales funnel, because sometimes depending on your low barrier offer, you’re not even necessarily exchanging money.
But the first thing you got to do is make sure that the person’s willing to engage, right? Are they friendly and cooperative? Are they interested in what you have to offer? Do they have a need that your product or solution might serve? And then you want to bring them through a series of questions to move them forward.
I’ll say this, I’ve been playing this a little bit with email is a little harder because it’s just not as… I think in general, doing things like DMing new followers and people that like and comment your post, that will tend to have a quicker, shorter back and forth for admittedly the very small percentage.
It’s not the vast majority of people, but there’s going to be a small percentage of people in any given week that maybe are interested and they’ve followed your page or they’ve liked [00:28:00] the comments. There’s some reason to believe they might be interested in what you do. I think the key thing with any approach to either sell by chat via Instagram DMs or even the sell by chat for emails.
It’s just remember most people at any given time are not looking for your services right now, right? And that’s okay. And they’re, they might at some point, I’m not saying you should write them all off and be annoyed with them. But in practice, I think if you craft this email well, what it does is it gives you an opportunity based on how often you’re integrating it into your email to begin to start a dialogue, to start a conversation, right?
My friend, John Franklin always says con conversations lead to conversions or conversions happen in conversations. Something like that. I’m sure he’s stolen from someone else, but I still think that’s true. And I think that’s another opportunity. I don’t see a lot of gyms use that I think would be clever for them to start to leverage.
Just try to start the conversation, right? In some cases, listen, again, you will find that you get conversations not moving you where you want to go. Listen, there’s somebody said for, you can’t quantify all of this. Obviously track things. If you feel like you’re spending a lot of time, it’s not going anywhere.
Maybe don’t do it [00:29:00] all the time, but conversions happen in conversations. I think starting the relationship and starting to sit back and forth, particularly if you’re just not getting any leads, you’re not getting any traction, seems like a worthwhile use Of your time. Seems like a worthwhile use of your time.
Yeah. Yeah. I think that the main thing I’m taking away and I’m hoping our listeners take away from that tip is that they should be thoughtful about the purpose of each email, right? They should be clear about what they hope to achieve with each email. What’s the purpose? Are you trying to just start a conversation with a stranger?
You’re trying to get them to read something, get them to respond, trying to get them to click a button, click a link. Book a session and really getting clear about what that is. And even if it’s just, you want some of the people to click through the PS and you’re just going to entertain them. And then hopefully some of the people are going to click through the PS.
How are you making that PS a compelling cookie that they want? Yeah. So I think that’s, I think that’s great. Let’s pull up there in the interest of time. Cause I feel like we’ve covered a lot of ground here in [00:30:00] terms of the importance of subject lines, how to make sure you consistently have ideas for your email marketing, some kind of.
Tips and tricks for how to make the emails sticky and action oriented by being clear about their purpose. I feel like that’s a lot of like really great tips for our listeners. So this was, this is what I hope you were taking notes on friends. Cause a lot of tiny little micro tips and a lot of big picture overarching ideas that both can help you just get infinitely better.
With your marketing. Thanks for sure. I think this is a really good one and clear. This is a thing that’s, it’s not going away anytime soon. Marketing is here to stay. Text is certainly coming up to meet it and has come up to meet it as being important. This is a skill set as a business owner. You’re going to want to get good at it if you’re not yet.
And hopefully today helped you move in that direction as a quick reminder, before we wrap up, if you want to apply for unicorn society. Do it before November 19th. Afterwards, you can always join our email, our wait list, but go click the link in the show notes and let us know if you want to work with us.
Cause we’d love to talk to you. Thanks for a great conversation, Fisher, and I’ll see you on the next one. Bye.[00:31:00]
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