Facts & Stories

My business functions in an industry that is driven by metrics.

How many kilos can you deadlift?

How fast can you sprint 40-yards?

How many pounds did you help a client to lose?

Metrics are important. After all, they’re essentially the key performance indicators that tell us whether or not the product or service we’re delivering is actually effective. Thing is, metrics aren’t always the most effective tools to compel an on-the-fence potential client to jump to full-blown paying status.

People want to feel like the hero in their own training story, and rarely does a statistic make one feel heroic. 

The most effective marketers in the fitness space are the ones who know how to blend metrics with compelling storytelling. Consider the average fat-loss success story:

Option 1 – Mary lost 30lbs over the course of six months of training with us.

Option 2 – Mary showed up hoping we could help her to shed 30lbs so that she could tear up the dance floor at her daughter’s upcoming wedding. Here’s an image of a lean and healthy Mary crushing the Cuban Shuffle with the beautiful bride after six months of dedicated training.

You’re lying to yourself if you think these two marketing messages are similarly effective.

Facts tell. Stories sell.


PS: Want to join us in Philly on Sept 15th-16th for our next Unicorn Society retreat?

Day 1 will be focused on everything related to people. Then on Day 2, we’ll create a crystal clear action plan for your next quarter. You’ll create order out of the chaos and leave with a plan; you’ll know exactly how to kick ass between now and the New Year. No holiday slump for you, my friend!

And of course, you’ll also get lots of quality time with like-minded gym owners, as well as Keeler, Mark, Ben, yours truly, and the BFU team. We’ll eat Philly cheesesteaks, have some drinks, and enjoy Philadelphia!


Early bird pricing ends Sunday August 13th.

Click the link below to learn more: