Cheerleaders & Advisors

Before you open a business, asking yourself this difficult question:

Am I collecting feedback from my cheerleaders, or from my advisors?

The cheerleaders have never owned a business of their own, or don’t fully understand the competitive landscape you’re considering jumping into. They simply believe in you. 

The people in your community looking to punch holes in your plan are the ones who are really looking out for you. Their job is to rain on your hypothetical parade so that you don’t make a decision that results in rain pouring down on your real life parade after you’ve dumped your life savings into it.

Organizational Psychologist, Adam Grant, refers to this community as your challenge network, and he contends that the radical transparency that comes of it will save you time, money, and heartache when employed appropriately. 

Once you’ve appeased the challenge network, you’re ready to build.


PS: We opened up 5 last minute spots for the Unicorn Society.

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