Reputation > Rank

I’ve had the same title since 2007.

But it wasn’t until 2017 that I discovered what it meant to have influence, and not just a title.

When half of my staff turned over in a six month period, leaving us underprepared to accommodate clients, and overexposed to new competition in our market, I had no choice but to reevaluate my leadership habits. I’d tricked myself into believing that my ownership status cemented my leadership skills. 

It turns out that I didn’t have much influence in my own operation at that moment of professional chaos. I was learning the hard way that influence is better obtained by reputation than by rank, and all I had was a reputation for relying on brand awareness to populate both my staff and client rosters.

It was time to engage with the process of developing employees. It was time to govern more by example than by direction. It was time to accept the reality that it takes more than a big title to be a boss in the eyes of my employees.

It might have been ten years late, but it was still time.


PS: Have you ever wanted to peek behind the scenes of Cressey Sports Performance and Mark Fisher Fitness?

Then you’ll want to join Mark and me at Perform Better headquarters in Warwick, RI on April 26th-27th for our Gym Owner Masterclass.

And if you sign up during the Early Bird pricing window?

It’s only $149.

(Seating is strictly limited and we’re already seeing lots of seats sold. Don’t wait.)
To learn more, go HERE.