What If You Miss Out?

After years of running your operation, you should know the moments in the client life cycle when you’re most vulnerable to defection. We don’t require long-term commitments in our business, so it is the transition from month one to month two that is especially crucial.

At that point, the financial implications of walking away from an initial evaluation investment are no longer lingering in the client’s mind. Closing business moving forward is about the athlete’s relationship with the business to date, and the idea of what is possible moving forward. Instead of asking a client if they’d like to return for a second month, we discuss the scenario as if it is a foregone conclusion that they intend to do so.

At the start of week four, a coach approaches the athlete and delivers one line that leaves him asking himself how he could walk away at this point:

“I’ve been thinking about your next month of programming, and I’ve got some exciting ideas.”

Not: “Do you want a new program?”

Not: “Did you like this first program, or should I change my approach?”

Conviction, a projection of confidence in the system, and an infusion of just the slightest opportunity for FOMO (fear of missing out), are the perfect recipe for sealing the deal on month two.

Are you getting ahead of your clients’ moments of uncertainty? 


PS: Have you ever wanted to peek behind the scenes of Cressey Sports Performance and Mark Fisher Fitness?

Then you’ll want to join Mark and me at Perform Better headquarters in Warwick, RI on April 26th-27th for our Gym Owner Masterclass.

And if you sign up during the Early Bird pricing window?

It’s only $149.

(Seating is strictly limited and we’re already seeing lots of seats sold. Don’t wait.)
To learn more, go HERE.